My Plastic Surgery Television Show, Body Beautiful, is entering its fifteenth season. The season premier airs this week on Wednesday the 24th at noon on KRON 4. The show includes segments on:
- Gynecomastia Reduction
- Breast Augmentation
- Tummy Tuck
- Otoplasty
I hope you all can tune in. I will also be posting segments from the show here on the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog in the next few weeks.
One of the upcoming video segments covers Tummy Tucks. Many frequently asked questions are answered and illustrated with Abdominoplasty Before and After Pictures. Today, you get an exclusive sneak preview.
Tummy Tucks and Abdominoplasty After Weight Loss
Weight loss causes volume loss, but it does not mean skin tightening. Larger fluctuations in weight, poorer skin elasticity and older age all increase skin redundancy. When the skin remains loose, the weight loss journey often feels incomplete. That is where plastic surgery can help. Check out my blog for examples, including a combination Tummy Tuck & Brazilian Buttcoks Lift (BBL).

Post-Bariatric Tummy Tuck – After massive weight loss, abdominoplasty is the only way to flatten the belly and tighten the skin. In this case, the thighs get a lift also.
This patient did a great job with her weight loss. Unfortunately, her skin did not recoil. She was left with drapery-like skin. The excess skin folds in all the typical areas:
- over the belly-button
- around the waist
- over this hips
- on the upper thighs
The after photo shows the improvement that Abdominoplasty provided her. The skin excess was removed from the abdominal wall, the umbilicus is uncovered, the waist is smooth and flat and the upper thighs are lifted. It is a privilege for me to work with patients like this. They work hard to get great results, and I get to help with the final details. Happy patients make happy doctors.
Postpartum Tummy Tuck – Early Results
The next patient presented after childbirth. She was fit, but unhappy with her appearance. The abdominal skin was loose, and her belly-button appeared flat due to the overhanging skin.

Pregnancy can stretch the abdominal skin and deform the umbilicus. These before and after pictures show early results of a Tummy Tuck – improvement in the shape of the belly-button, tightening of the abdominal skin and removal of disproportionate fat. Her scars will flatten, smooth and fade as she continues to heal.
The before and after pictures above are just a few weeks apart. The scars around the umbilicus and along the lower abdomen are immature and will continue to fade and smooth as they heal. This patient has lowered her pants to reveal the scar. When the pants are worn in their normal position, the scar is completely covered. Post operative scar care, including the use of topical silicone, help to speed healing and improve the appearance of the scars.
Big Tummy Tucks
A few weeks ago, I discussed Heavy Weight Tummy Tucks. This is one of the examples, but feel free to click the link above to see more examples.

Heavy Weight Tummy Tuck – This patient has successfully lost over 100 pounds. As these abdominoplasty before and after pictures show, a Tummy Tuck completes her journey by tightening the abdominal muscles and removing the excessive skin.
My patient above had three areas needing improvement
- Excess Skin (folding on the lower abdomen)
- Rectus Diastasis (upper abdominal muscle laxity)
- Retained Fat (lower abdominal)
All three areas were improved with her Tummy Tuck. The muscle was repaired, the excess fat was removed and the excess skin was trimmed away. The result is a fantastic improvement appearance and self confidence.
Abdominoplasty with Brazilian Buttocks Lift
Sometimes, lower abdominal fat is not only removed; it is repurposed. In the next case, the lower abdominal skin was loose and full of stretch marks. Additionally, muscle laxity is contributing to the lower abdominal pooch. This patient also complained about the loss of volume in her buttocks.

The abdomen and lower back are flattened and the buttocks augmented in these abdominoplasty plus BBL before and after pictures. (Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Buttocks Lift)
The above before and after pictures show the changes obtained with the combination of Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Buttocks Lift (BBL). The abdomen is flattened by repairing her diastasic (muscle weakness), with internal corset stitches. Her stretch marks are removed along with the lower abdominal excess skin. The fat from the lower abdomen and the lower back was removed with Liposuction and then transplanted to the buttocks. The buttock fat grafts are placed to enhance buttocks volume and shape.
Tummy Tuck Consultations
If you are considering Abdominoplasty, consult with an experienced, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Whether you need a full or mini tummy tuck, for the best results find a surgeon specializing in cosmetic plastic surgery who is familiar with all the tools available for tummy tightening. In the San Francisco Bay Area, call (925) 943-6353 today, and schedule your private consultation appointment.
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