Thigh lifts are performed mostly after massive weight loss. Despite the loss of weight, the thighs often remain disproportionately enlarged due to a combination of retained fat and excess thigh skin. To improve this uncomfortable situation and help patients achieve their goal body, Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery has evolved to remove the excess skin and fat, tightening the thighs and restoring the “Thigh Gap“.
The Thighs Have It!

The most common areas addressed after massive weight loss are the tummy, breast, arms and thighs. As an active member of the American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgery (ASBPS), I have a keen interest in the tailoring of loose skin left behind after massive weight loss. I have many patients who have successfully lost 100’s of pounds, but who are still distressed with their appearance due to excess, drapery-like skin.
The Thigh Lift
There are two basic thigh lifts: the Horizontal Thigh Lift and the Vertical Thigh Lift. The Horizontal Thigh Lift utilizes a horizontal incision that runs from the groin, around the top of the inner thigh and ends in the fold beneath the buttocks. This approach lifts the inner thigh skin.
The Vertical Thigh Lift utilizes a vertical incision that runs along the inner thigh from the top to the knee. This approach tightens the thigh skin circumferentially.

The above thigh lift before and after pictures show how a thighplasty can help complete the weight loss journey. The rolls of skin between this patient’s thighs were removed. Her skin no longer rubs together, improving hygiene and appearance in clothing. A tummy tuck was also performed to address her abdominal wall laxity.
The above patient has lost a lot of weight, but the size and shape of her thighs is still a problem for her. In the above Thigh Lift Before and After Photos, a horizontal thigh lift was performed. The rolls of excess skin and fat that made wearing pants difficult were removed. The inner thigh skin was lifted via discreet incisions placed in the folds at the top of the thighs. A tummy tuck was also performed to remove the overhang abdominal skin. Thigh lifts and tummy tucks can often be combined for a healthy, motivated patient.
Horizontal Thigh Lifts

These thigh lift before and after pictures show the improvement possible with a horizontal thigh lift. The incision is placed at the top of the thigh, allowing for the excess thigh skin to be excised and the “thigh gap” restored.
The Horizontal Thigh Lift is fantastic for removing stubborn rolls of skin and fat that are located right in the “thigh gap”. This lift tightens the upper thigh and can reset the fold under the buttocks better than the vertical lift. The horizontal approach hides the incision in the groin crease, the upper end of the inner thigh and ends in the fold beneath the buttocks. The horizontal scar can migrate down the thigh, due to the weight of the thigh skin. A bathing suit may not always cover the scar, but shorts will.
Vertical Thigh Lifts

The above thigh lift before and after pictures show the improvement possible with a vertical thigh lift. The incision is placed along the inner thigh, allowing for the excess thigh skin to be excised, tightening the remaining thigh skin.
The Vertical Thigh Lift is better suited for tightening the inner thigh skin further down the thigh. The excision is made down the center of the inner thigh, allowing for the skin to be tightened circumferentially. The scar is more conspicuous, since it extends down to the knee. Shorts may not always cover this scar, but board shorts can. Regardless of the approach, both the horizontal and vertical thigh lifts are very satisfying for patients and greatly improve confidence, clothing options, and the overall appearance of the thighs even in stretch pants.
Thigh Lift Consultations
If you have lost weight and are concerned with skin laxity on your thighs, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon may be able to help you take the final step in your transformation. Thigh lifts are one of the most common post bariatric plastic surgery procedures. Thigh lifts and arm lifts are less frequently performed than breast lifts and tummy tucks, so be certain to ask your surgeon how many of these they have done.
To schedule a private consultation appointment in the San Francisco Bay Area call (925) 943-6353.
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