Breast Implant Warranty Coverage
Every few years, the US FDA approved breast implant manufacturers update their Breast Implant Warranties. While implant deflation has been covered for a long time, the warranties now include extended coverage for breast implant replacement and enhanced coverage for specific situations that may occur after Breast Augmentation with Silicone Gel Filled Breast Implants. Expanded coverage now includes Capsular Contracture, late seroma formation, double capsule formation and BIA-ALCL.
Below, I compare warranties offered by the three US breast implant brands: Allergan, Sientra and Mentor, in the three major areas of coverage: Capsular Contracture, Rupture and Seroma Formation. It is important to state that these are the current offerings, and that they may change without notification. You should check with the manufacturer directly for the latest warranty information. Additionally, newer coverage is limited to newer implants, so you need to know the manufacturer, type of implant and the date of your surgery in order to determine which warranty applies to your implants.
Capsular Contracture Coverage
The most common reason for Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery is Capsular Contracture. In the breast implant 10-year follow-up studies, occurrence rates ranged from 12% to 19% for the primary breast augmentation cohort. Breast Implant manufacturers have begun to include Capsular Contracture in their warranty programs.

Capsular Contracture is tightening of the scar pocket that holds the breast implant in place. In the left before-photo, Capsular Contracture elevates this patient’s right breast implant and causes severe asymmetry. The right after-photo shows correction after capsule surgery and breast implant revision surgery. Capsular Contracture is now covered by all three US FDA approved manufacturers’ warranties.
Sientra currently offers the best free warranty for Capsular Contracture (grade III or IV). The latest Sientra Platinum20 Warranty offers twenty years of free implant replacement during surgery for Capsular Contracture along with $2000 of financial assistance if capsular contracture occurs in the first two years after surgery.
The Allergan ConfidencePlus Warranty was just updated and is a close second with ten years of free implant replacement during surgery for Capsular Contracture along with $2000 of financial assistance if capsular contracture occurs in the first two years after surgery.
The MentorPromise Warranty offers ten years of free implant replacement during surgery for Capsular Contracture, but no financial assistance. However, Mentor does offer an enhanced warranty. You need to pay $300 to Mentor at the time of your surgery to obtain the MentorPromise Enhanced Warranty. This includes ten years of free implant replacement during surgery for Capsular Contracture and $3500 of financial assistance but limits coverage to primary augmentation or primary reconstruction unless MemoryShape breast implants are utilized. Mentor currently lags, especially when comparing the free warranties; however, Mentor may update their warranty to more closely match their competitors as Allergan did when Sientra announced enhanced free coverage for capsular contracture.
Rupture Coverage
Breast Implant Rupture was the original coverage benefit for Breast Implant Warranties. It is a close second to Capsular Contracture as the reason for Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery. In the 10-year follow-up studies, rupture (deflation) rates range from 8% to 25%.

These Breast Implant Rupture Before and After photos illustrate a common case of Breast Implant Revision Surgery. The coverage is variable and depends on the manufacturer.
All three manufacturers provide free lifetime breast implant replacement on both sides and financial assistance for the revision surgery. Recently, Sientra increased the financial assistance offered, and it remains to be seen if the other manufactures will match them, as they often do.
The Sientra Platinum20 Warranty offers $5000 in financial assistance toward replacing the breast implants for up to 20 years after the original surgery. This is a recent change and is currently the best in the industry.
The Allergan ConfidencePlus Warranty offers $3500 in financial assistance toward replacing the breast implants for up to 10 years after the original surgery.
The MentorPromise Warranty also offers $3500 in financial assistance toward replacing the breast implants for up to 10 years after the original surgery. This is not increased in the MentorPromise Enhanced Warranty.
Late Seroma Coverage
As shaped implants became more popular, so did the problems associated with them. Shaped implants can rotate and “change” shape. To reduce this problem, shaped implants are textured. This can help prevent rotation and may also reduce the risk of capsular contracture; however, Textured Breast Implants also have unique problems: seromas (collections of fluid around implants), double capsules and possibly BIA-ALCL. Manufacturers have responded with late seroma coverage along with coverage for double capsules and BIA-ALCL diagnostic testing in their latest Breast Implant Warranties.

Seromas are collections of fluid. Small amounts of fluid around the breast implants is normal the first few days after surgery and resolves spontaneously. Seromas that appear years after surgery are not normal or common. The fluid will enlarge the effected breast, making it appear larger than its sister breast. It may present as the picture above shows, with the right breasts appearing larger than the left. There are many causes, most of them benign; however, all should be checked by your plastic surgeon. Breast implant warranties are starting to include testing and treatment for late seromas.
The Sientra Platinum20 Warranty provides twenty year coverage for breast implant replacement and $2000 in financial assistance should a double capsule or seroma form in the two years after surgery. They also provide CD30 panel testing for BIA-ALCL evaluation of late seroma fluid.
The Allergan ConfidencePlus Warranty also was recently updated to provide twenty year coverage for breast implant replacement and $2000 in financial assistance should a double capsule or seroma form in the two years after surgery. They also provide up to $7500 in financial assistance and implant replacement in cases of BIA-ALCL.
The MentorPromise Warranty offers ten year coverage for breast implant replacement and no financial assistance in cases of double capsule and seroma formation. However, Mentor does offer an enhanced warranty. You need to pay $300 to Mentor at the time of your surgery to obtain the MentorPromise Enhanced Warranty. This includes ten years of free implant replacement during surgery for Capsular Contracture and $3500 of financial assistance in the ten years after surgery. Like the Mentor Capsular contracture coverage, coverage is limited to primary augmentation or primary reconstruction unless MemoryShape breast implants are utilized. There is currently no coverage for BIA-ALCL testing.
Breast Augmentation and Breast Augmentation Revision
If you are considering Breast Augmentation or Breast Augmentation Revision, be certain to ask your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon about breast implant warranties. For revision surgery, bring as much information as possible about your current implants to your consultation appointment. The breast implant card given to you after surgery is very helpful as it provides the manufacturer, size, type of implant, and date of implantation.
There is much to know about Breast Implants and the procedures used to place and maintain them. It helps to have an experienced guide to answer your questions and provide expert guidance. For Breast Augmentation and Breast Augmentation Revision in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, call (925) 943-6353 today, to schedule a private consultation.
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