Behind the scenes at the filming of the season 14 premier of Body Beautiful at KRON 4 studios in San Francisco, CA
Body Beautiful, the only show in the San Francisco Bay Area dedicated to the latest in Plastic Surgery News, premieres its 14th season tomorrow, Wednesday March 25th, 2020, at noon on KRON 4. Host Janelle Marie and I will discuss:
COVID-19 Social Distancing
My previous blog post is about the Coronavirus and includes precautions we can all take to protect ourselves and our loved ones. During the premier, as seen in the photo above, you may notice that Janelle and I are not practicing social distancing.
Every news station has been demonstrating social distancing by physically separating their talent during the filming of all current television broadcasts. This can be seen in every evening news broadcast.
Janelle and I are sitting closer than the recommended 6 feet as is currently recommended in the Interim US Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Persons with Potential Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Exposures, because the show was filmed weeks prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. While we are currently sheltering in place, just a few weeks ago the biggest concerns on the news were the time change, the full moon (full worm supermoon at that) and Friday the 13th. It affirms my feeling that humans always need something to worry about, even if we have to make stuff up.
All Elective Surgery Currently on Hold
If you are one of my patients scheduled for surgery during these three weeks of sheltering in place, I am sorry we cannot proceed as planned for the moment. I realize getting physically and mentally prepared for surgery requires effort and planning, and having to remake your arrangements only makes it harder. I assure you that my staff and I will make every effort so that rescheduling is as easy as possible as soon as it is allowed.
Currently, all elective surgery is temporarily deferred in order to preserve resources for the acute care of coronavirus patients and other medical emergencies. Although we are socially isolated for the time being, we can still prepare for resuming our normal activities and getting back out in the world.
Planning For Plastic Surgery
If you have been or are considering plastic surgery, now is a good time to learn more about the cosmetic surgery options available. Reliable information is available on the websites of reputable Board Certified Plastic Surgeons and our Plastic Surgery Societies.
If you are a visual learner, numerous before and after pictures and videos are available on the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog and my other websites. Feel free to send your questions during this time of social distancing via the contact form on our websites. We will do our best to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

Filming Body Beautiful on KRON 4, before social distancing.
Tune In Tomorrow!
Need a break from all the coronavirus updates? For the latest in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery News, tune in to the season 14 premier of Body Beautiful on KRON 4. The show airs tomorrow, Wednesday March 25, 2020, at noon on the Bay Area’s News Station, channel 4.
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