Dr. Mele discusses Tumescent Liposuction (aka: Liposuction, Suction Assisted Lipectomy and Liposculpture) on the San Francisco Bay Area's News Station, KRON4.
Liposuction, specifically Tumescent Liposuction, remains the gold-standard in efficient, safe and predictable fat removal. It allows for the selective removal of fat from areas that are disproportionate in a way that weight loss cannot. While weight loss is indicated for obesity, liposuction is superior for the spot removal of localized collections of fat that stubbornly remain, even if you are near your ideal weight.
Mesotherapy Banned
France recently banned one of the largest “alternative” fat removal treatments because it posses a significant risk to the patient’s health. The law was far reaching, and included ALL non-surgical alternatives to liposuction. The French court found that the inclusion of some already approved methods was inconsistent with the spirit of the law, and consequently has issued an injunction pending narrowing of the law’s scope.
San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction Expert
Below is the first segment of four from an appearance on the San Francisco Bay Area News Station, KRON, Channel 4. The topic for discussion was Liposuction and Liposuction alternatives, both surgical and non-surgical. The (415) number on the video was for viewers to call in with questions during the live show. If you have questions, please call our Walnut Creek Liposuction Expert at (925) 943-6353, or use the contact form in the left column.
San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction Video
Tumescent Liposuction Topics Covered
Topics covered during the above San Francisco Bay Area Television appearance include:
- The recent French Mesotherapy Ban
- Problems associated with Mesotherapy
- Inclusion of Some Approved Treatments in the French Mesotherapy Ban leads to the requirement for modification
- Tumescent Liposuction
- The ability of Tumescent Liposuction to selectively remove fat
- Do lasers, ultrasound and radiofrequency dramatically improve the results of Tumescent Liposuction?
Additional Liposuction Videos
Additional Liposuction Videos from this appearance are available on the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog via the following links:
- San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction – Part 1 of 4 (You Are Here)
- San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction – Part 2 of 4
- San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction – Part 3 of 4
- San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction – Part 4 of 4
Additional Liposuction Information
Additional information on Liposuction is available online on my personal Plastic Surgery Web Site by clicking here -> Walnut Creek Liposuction
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