All breast Implants create larger breasts. While Silicone Breast Implants are more widely used, Saline Breast Implants still have a role to fill.
Over 90% of today’s Breast Augmentation patients choose Silicone Gel Breast Implants, but Saline Breast Implants still play a role in selected situations. Today, I review the pros and cons of Breast Augmentation with Saline Breast Implants.
Saline Breast Implant Cost Less
Saline Breast Implants cost less than Silicone Breast Implants. Since saline breast implants are easier to manufacture, they cost less. Also, saline breast implants are not pre-filled. The saline is actually inserted during surgery by your surgeon.
Saline Breast Implant Leak Detection

Saline is water with a little salt added to make it as salty as we are, about 0.9% NaCl.
With Saline Breast Implants, leak detection is simple. When they leak, the slightly salty water inside escapes and is quickly absorbed by the body. The result is noticeable deflation, usually occurring overnight. Unlike Silicone Breast Implants, expensive diagnostic imaging, MRI is not needed. Saline Breast Implants are also easier to replace, because only the shell needs to be removed.
Saline Breast Implant Projection
Until recently, Saline Breast Implants provided more projection than silicone breast implants. When saline implants are filled, they become firmer and have more projection. For the same volume, Saline Breast Implants have about 10% more projection. Additionally, Silicone Breast Implants are flat on the back side, while Saline Breast Implants are convex.

Saline Breast Implants are convex on the back, so they give more projection than the flat-backed Silicone Breast Implants for the same volume.
Saline Breast Implant Incision Size
Saline Breast Implants are inserted empty, so the surgical incision is small. They can be collapsed and then filled after they are inserted by way of a filling tube. On the other hand, Silicone Breast Implants come pre-filled, thus they are bigger and require a larger incision for placement.
Saline Breast Implant Drawbacks
Saline Breast Implants feel firmer, tend to ripple (wrinkle) more and move differently than Silicone Breast Implants. For women going up one cup size, there may be enough native breast tissue to disguise the implant. However, for those going from an A-cup to a D-cup, the implant is more palpable, even when the Breast Implant is placed behind the muscle.
Breast Augmentation Consultation
The difference between Saline and Silicone Breast Implants is just one consideration before Breast Augmentation surgery. While the Internet can provide general information, consulting with an experienced, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will help you translate which options will work best for you.
If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, call (925) 943-6353 today, and schedule a private Breast Augmentation Consultation.
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