Dr. Mele discusses Rhinoplasty (aka: Nasal Surgery, Nose Surgery or the Nose Job) on the San Francisco Bay Area's News Station, KRON4.
Gaspare Tagliacozzi the Father of Modern Plastic Surgery

Gaspare Tagliacozzi - the Father of "Modern" Plastic Surgery
Rhinoplasty (nose jobs) has continued to evolve since the early descriptions by Sushruta in 1000 to 600 BC. A giant leap forward was made in the 16th century by Italian surgeon Gaspare Tagliacozzi. Tagliacozzi championed the Italian Method of Plastic Surgery, and made nasal surgery more practical. His ideology is documented in De Curtorum Chirurgia per Insitionem Libri Duo, published in 1597. Professor Tagliacozzi also provided us with one of my favorite plastic surgery quotes:
“We restore, rebuild, and make whole those parts which nature hath given, but which fortune has taken away. Not so much that it may delight the eye, but that it might buoy up the spirit, and help the mind of the afflicted.”
Modern Rhinoplasty
New methods for reliably reducing and augmenting the nose make the procedure more versatile, safer and more predictable. Computer imaging helps to relay the desired goals between you and your rhinoplasty surgeon, and the future looks promising. Tissue engineering will one day allow for the tissues of the nose to be designed and available off-the-shelf. This will be extremely helpful for reconstructive nasal surgery, when either due to cancer, trauma or dysphoria.
Nasal surgery is one of the most personalized and one of the most demanding of all the cosmetic plastic procedures in which I specialize. Rhinoplasty is one of the few surgeries where a millimeter of change can make a big difference.
Nasal Surgery (Rhinoplasty) Video
Below is a nasal surgery (rhinoplasty) video from a recent appearance on KRON, channel 4. The show is Body Beautiful with host, Vicki Liviakis. What follows is part 3 of a 4 part special presentation on cosmetic nasal surgery (nose jobs). The 800 number in this nasal surgery video was only for the live show so viewers could call in with their questions. If you have questions about nose surgery, please give me a call at (925) 943-6353, or use the contact form on the left. Additional information and links are available at the end of this post.
Nose Job Video on KRON4’s Body Beautiful
Rhinoplasty (Nasal Surgery) Questions
This Rhinoplasty (Nasal Surgery) Video Viewer Questions including:
- Reconstructive Rhinoplasty
- How to treat flared nostrils?
- Weir excisions
- Spanning sutures
- How to treat a flattened nasal tip?
- Can Nasal Surgery be performed safely on an outpatient basis?
Additional Information on Nasal Surgery, Rhinoplasty and Nose Jobs
This is part 3 of 4 in a video series on Rhinoplasty (Nasal Surgery) in the San Francisco Bay Area. Additional segments can be found here:
- Rhinoplasty San Francisco Bay Area (Nasal Surgery) – Part 1 of 4
- Rhinoplasty San Francisco Bay Area (Nasal Surgery) – Part 2 of 4
- Rhinoplasty San Francisco Bay Area (Nasal Surgery) – Part 3 of 4 (You are here.)
- Rhinoplasty San Francisco Bay Area (Nasal Surgery) – Part 4 of 4
Nasal Surgery (Rhinoplasty) San Francisco Bay Area Nose Jobs
Click the links below for additional information on: