Post Bariatric Plastic Surgery is not for weight loss, it’s for after weight loss. It is the generic term for all cosmetic plastic surgery performed to tighten skin once excess weight is lost, and the skin has lost its support. As the body deflates, at some point the skin can no longer shrink to conform to the underlying muscles, and much like an empty balloon, it loses its shape and collapses. This is where post-bariatric plastic surgery takes over.
Lifting the Body After Weight Loss

After weight loss, the breast and belly can sag. In these cases, a breast and belly lift might be just what the doctor ordered, even for a man.
The gentleman above lost a significant amount of weight, and should be very proud of himself; however, despite having built-up his muscles, he was disappointed by what he saw in the mirror. He is young, and his skin has recoiled significantly; however, his chest and lower trunk were still covered with a blanket of loose skin that was still a source of embarrassment.
A total body lift was performed in the form of a Male Breast Reduction with skin excision, “free” nipple grafts with an areola reduction and a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty).
For women a Breast Reduction may still be needed, but more often a breast lift, with or without a Breast Implant, is desired after massive weight loss.
The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons
Bariatric Plastic Surgery has always been an area of interest to me. The ability to reshape a body covered with excessively loose skin and restore my patients’ confidence is a gift. As an active member of the American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons (ASBPS), I am among a select group of plastic surgeons dedicated to this unique niche of cosmetic plastic surgery.

The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons was formed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeons specializing in skin tightening after massive weight loss.
Arm Lifts For Loose Arm Skin
Another common area treated by Bariatric Plastic Surgeons is the arms. Arm skin laxity is uncomfortable and can make it difficult to get into an ordinary shirt sleeve, even after weight loss. The procedure surgically removes the excess skin from the upper arm and reveals the contour of the arms. It also stops the arm skin from waving, by tightening the remaining skin. The downside of the Arm Lift is a scar extending from the elbow to the armpit, but for someone who can’t fit into normal clothing after weight loss the upside is worth it.

After weight loss, sometimes the arms are left with a tremendous amount of excess skin. Brachioplasty tightens the skin to reveal new, thinner arms.
Tummy Tucks and Their Extended Family
Tummy Tucks are the main workhorse and gold standard for tightening the belly. Liposuction and Mini Tummy Tucks are not usually sufficient after massive weight loss, and sometimes, even full Tummy Tucks are not enough to achieve optimal results. When necessary, Tummy Tucks can be extended horizontally, around the body, to lift the lateral thighs, back and buttock as a Lower Body Lift, or they can be extended vertically, to tighten the upper abdominal skin as a Fleur-de-Lis Tummy Tuck.

Tummies take a hit with weight loss and pregnancy. The tummy tuck is the plastic surgery workhorse for tightening the abdomen. Lower abdominal skin and fat are removed while the abdominal wall muscles are tightened during a tummy tuck.
Thigh Lifts for Loose Thighs
Thighs can remain loose after weight loss, too. The most common area is the upper inner thigh, but the laxity can extend past the knees or around to the side, “saddlebag”, areas as well.
Thigh Lifts come in two main forms. One that wraps around the top of the thigh to lift the inner thigh, and one that runs down the inner thigh to the knee, for excess medial thigh skin laxity. The location of the scar is dependent on the location of the excess skin.

After weight loss, excess skin can also remain around the thighs. A thigh lift removes excess skin, unsightly bulges and can reclaim the thigh gap.
Post Weight Loss Plastic Surgery Consultations
While it is advisable to wait for one year after massive weight loss before having any elective surgery, it is never too early to have a consultation. This gives you more time to consider your options, and your plastic surgeon time to plan your procedure(s).
In the San Francisco Bay Area, call (925) 943-6353, and schedule a private consultation appointment in our Walnut Creek Plastic Surgery Clinic. There is no substitute for an in-person consultation when it comes to skin laxity. And there is no substitute for an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon, dedicated to Post Bariatric Plastic Surgery.
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