Dr. Joseph Mele, guest author for ABoardCertifiedPlasticSurgeonResource.com
I was recently asked to contribute to A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Resource, an online resource helping patients find Board Certified Plastic Surgeons. My article stresses the importance of Board Certification, and explains how to recognize a true Medical Board.
Most Medical Boards are self regulating. The long standing, traditional medical boards are also under the regulation of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Under the ABMS the only Board specifically dedicated to Plastic Surgery is the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Other sound-alike boards, for example The American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, have not been accepted as ABMS Boards, and thus fall outside the regulation of the ABMS.
Information about the American Board of Plastic Surgery can be found right here on the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog: Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
For the full version of the article, click the picture below.

Dr. Mele's article on Board Certification