Mini Tummy Tucks are a short outpatient surgical procedure that provide my patients great results with a faster recovery than full tummy tucks. A well planned Mini Abdominoplasty contours the lower abdomen and can be combined with Liposuction to further optimize the results.
Today’s San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog post illustrates what the Mini Tummy Tuck has done for a select group of patients.
Mini Tummy Tuck Before And Afters
The first patient has worked hard to maintain her figure through pregnancy. While her core remains strong, she is left with an annoying bump in her lower belly covered by bothersome, loose skin. This situation is not unusual after childbirth. In fact, many patients in this situation are uncomfortable showing her belly even in the privacy of her own home, despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle and working out daily.

Mini tummy tuck: The above patient’s tight upper abdomen makes her a good candidate for a Mini Abdominoplasty. The loose skin and muscle wall below the belly button were easily treated to make another happy patient.
After her Mini-Abdominoplasty, the loose skin is gone. The lower abdominal bulge caused by lax muscles has been repaired and she looks as good as she feels. She continues her healthy lifestyle and activities which serve her well in maintaining her result.
Mini Tummy Tuck With Liposuction Before And Afters
Liposuction is frequently combined with Tummy Tucks to enhance results and maintain aesthetic proportions. This is especially true when having a Mini Tummy Tuck.
The next patient has more fat around the midsection than the patient shown above. The disproportionate fat extends both higher on the belly and more lateral, forming a Muffin-Top whenever she wears jeans. Her belly-button is also looking aged, as it is oriented more horizontally, and she has a small umbilical hernia in the before pictures.

Mini tummy tuck: The laxity and lipodystrophy on this belly was confined to the lower abdomen, so a Mini Abdominoplasty is just what the doctor ordered. Liposuction was also used to contour the waist and reduce the muffin-top.
After her Mini Abdominoplasty with Liposuction all the issues listed above are improved. The skin is tighter; lower muscle laxity is flattened and the umbilical hernia is repaired. Moreover, her belly button is oriented in a more youthful vertical direction while maintaining the superior hooding. Liposuction reduced the fullness of the abdominal skin from top to bottom, trimmed her waist and removed the muffin-top fat.
“Bigger” Mini Tummy Tucks
There is not a black line dividing patients into candidates for Mini Abdominoplasty vs. Full Abdominoplasty. A grey zone exists in between with some overlap. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of any cosmetic procedure before deciding to proceed, but this is even more important when you have options. For the next patient, a full Tummy Tuck would have provided a flatter abdomen; but it would have cost more in dollars and recovery time.
The patient below was satisfied with the small roundness in her upper abdomen, but dissatisfied with the fullness and folds in the lower abdominal wall. The irregular contours were impossible to disguise and caused her grief in both pants and dresses

Mini tummy tuck: This patient was happy with the appearance of her upper belly. A Mini Abdominoplasty was used to smooth the bulges on the lower abdomen.
A Mini Tummy Tuck was performed to flatten the lower belly and Liposuction was used to reduce the upper abdominal wall, flanks and back. The result is a reduction in the circumference of the abdomen, a smoothing of her silhouette in form-fitting dresses and a happy patient.
Mini Tummy Tucks For Men
Men also seek and benefit from Mini Abdominoplasty. The next patient tried to keep in shape, but his anatomy was not cooperating. The natural curvature of his spine, combined with some lower abdominal laxity made his belly protrude disproportionally above his waistline for his weight. Additionally, he had some Gynecomastia which bothered him.

Mini tummy tuck: Men also benefit from Mini Abdominoplasty. In the above case, Mini Abdominoplasty and Gynecomastia reduction were performed to contour the abdomen and chest.
After his Mini Tummy Tuck and Gynecomastia Reduction this patient can confidently go shirtless. His chest was smoothed and his lower abdominal pooch eliminated. Liposuction alone would not have produced the outcome he desired. The Mini Abdominoplasty allows for muscle tightening and the removal of excess skin which is exactly what he needed.
Mini Tummy Tuck Consultations
If you are considering Abdominoplasty, Mini Abdominoplasty or Abdominal Liposuction, consult with an experienced, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Plastic Surgeons are uniquely qualified to explain your options. We are trained in a wide variety of procedures and can guide you pick the one that will work best for you.
Whether you are looking for a little Liposuction or a full Tummy Tuck or anything in between, for the best results find a plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic plastic surgery. In the San Francisco Bay Area, call (925) 943-6353 and schedule your private consultation appointment.
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