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The Male Eyelid Lift (Male Blepharoplasty) above was performed to improve sight. Upper and lateral (outer) gaze was blocked by overhanging skin. The Blepharoplasty lifted the eyelids without distorting the eyebrows. Bags beneath the eyes were also reduced. Comparing the upper before and lower after pictures, he looks less angry and tired and more friendly and rested.

The Male Eyelid Lift (Male Blepharoplasty) above was performed to improve sight. Upper and lateral (outer) gaze was blocked by overhanging skin. The Blepharoplasty lifted the eyelids without distorting the eyebrows. Bags beneath the eyes were also reduced. Comparing the upper before and lower after pictures, he looks less angry and tired and more friendly and rested.

(925) 943-6353
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