Male Breast Reduction, or Gynecomastia Reduction, remains one of the most frequently requested cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in my San Francisco Bay Area plastic surgery practice. Male breast tissue enlargement has been a problem ever since teenagers started going through adolescence. What causes male breast enlargement? What makes gynecomastia go away?

Gynecomastia Reduction often requires a combination of liposuction and direct excision for optimal results.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a normal phenomenon of puberty, and it is independent from obesity. Over fifty years ago, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article including 1890 boys. The article, Gynecomastia in Adolescent Boys, revealed an over-all incidence of gynecomastia of 38.7%, with a peak in the 14- to 14 1/2-year-old age group.
Gynecomastia is almost always caused by an over enlargement of normal breast tissue. Breast and testicular cancer should be ruled out when a suspicious mass arises, but male breast enlargement is rarely a life threatening phenomenon.
The most frequent problem associated with gynecomastia is embarrassment and discomfort in social situations. The problem is not isolated to shirtless situations, like going to the beach, swimming or playing shirts vs. skins. Most my gynecomastia patients present wearing multiple layers of clothing to hide the problem, even in the 100 degree Walnut Creek summer heat.
What Makes Gynecomastia Go Away?
It is important to note that adolescent gynecomastia often resolves without any treatment in one to two years. This is not to say that it should not be evaluated. Benign breast enlargement can be followed, to be certain it is benign, but surgical intervention is delayed to give the Undesired Male Breast Enlargement time to resolve on its own.
When is Plastic Surgery Considered?
Suspicious breast lumps may require early surgical intervention to rule-out the less prevalent, less benign forms of male breast masses. Adolescent Male Breast Enlargement that persists for several years, or gynecomastia that is enlarging is not as likely to resolve on its own. Gynecomastia from other causes such as medications (anti-hypertensives, water pills, hormones, prostate cancer treatment, steroids, marijuana and more), often requires surgical removal for improvement.
What can Plastic Surgery do?
Plastic surgeons use several approaches for Male Breast Enlargement Treatment. Liposuction and direct excision are the two methods used most frequently. Removing the excess breast tissue, smooths the contour of the chest, and provides a more masculine appearance.
Male Breast Reduction Information
Information on Gynecomastia Reduction is available by clicking on the Breast Reduction (Men) link under Categories in the left column. More information is also available on the Gynecomastia and Gynecomastia pages.
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