The International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) started its 40th anniversary meeting this weekend in San Francisco. While the majority of the meeting will be spent discussing the finer points of plastic surgery technique, Saturday was spent discussing patient safety on a global scale.

The ISAPS is leading the way in global guidelines for plastic surgery patient safety. Topics included:
- Uniform global plastic surgeon certification requirements
- Uniform global facility accreditation requirements
- Medical Procedures Abroad ™ i.e. Medical tourism
- Guidlines for patient safety
- Medical device guidelines and usage

Sunday was spent discussing Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and Rhytidectomy (face lift surgery). Today was dedicated to Rhinoplasty (nasal surgery) and Mammoplasty (breast surgery: breast augmentation, breast implants, breast enhancement, breast reduction, beast reconstruction, congenital breast deformities and breast lift surgery).
Tomorrow Maria Siemionow, MD, the team leader of the first U.S. face transplantation surgery, will be making a special presentation. Tuesday will focus on aesthetic reconstructive surgery, as well as Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and Body Contouring (liposuction and body lifts).
The final day of the conference, Wednesday, will be spent on Cosmetic Medicine and finally Patient Safety and Complications. It’s been great so far. If you would like more information on any of these procedures, please click on any of the Categories to the left, or visit my main website: DrMele.com.
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