Now that you have selected your Plastic Surgeon, and you know which is the best procedure for your needs, you need to know about the recovery period.
In case you forgot, The five questions to ask before having plastic surgery are:
- What Is Your Training?
- How Often Do You Perform The Procedure?
- How Is The Procedure Performed?
- What Is The Recovery Like?
- What Is The Total Cost?
Today, we are discussing question number four, “What Is The Recovery Like?” After learning about your plastic surgeon’s training and experience, and how the procedure is performed, you need to know what to expect during the recovery period. Plastic surgery is elective; recovery time is not. You will need to budget some recovery time to get the most out of your surgery. Doing too much, too soon after surgery leads to more problems and increases your chance of needing additional revision surgery.
When Can I Get Back to Normal?
The bottom line is,”How long will it take to get back to normal?” The answer depends on two things: the procedure you are having and what you consider normal. Not every plastic surgeon does the same procedure, and not every surgeon uses the same recovery plan, but you can’t mix and match. If you choose Dr. X because you like their results, you need to follow Dr. X’s recovery instructions. The recovery plan goes with the procedure. Even my own recovery plans can vary depending on factors determined during surgery. My goal is always to get you back to your normal activities as quickly and as safely as possible, without compromising your results. The recovery times and activities listed below are general examples, but you should consult with your plastic surgeon for your specific recovery plan.
Recovery By Procedure
Some procedures require more physical limitations than others. For almost every procedure, you want to limit bending over, straining and activities which increase your heart rate and blood pressure for the first week after surgery. This is to prevent bleeding and other complications that bleeding may cause.
Movement, weight bearing and lifting may be restricted in the weeks immediately after your procedure. Be certain to ask your surgeon what restrictions should be expected and for how long. Overhead reaching may be restricted after breast surgery. Sitting may be retracted after Brazilian buttocks lifts. Lifting may be restricted after Tummy Tucks. Understanding why these restrictions exist may help you recover faster and achieve better results. If light duty is available, or you have a good helper, you may be able to resume work activities sooner.
Sometimes, returning to normal is limited primarily by your postoperative appearance. For many facial plastic surgery procedures, physical restrictions are lifted after a week, but bruising and swelling may still persist and limit your activities. If you work from home, you may be able to return to work in a few days after eyelid or nasal surgery. On the other hand, bruising and swelling can last 7-10 days after surgery, making face-to-face meetings much more difficult.
Recovery By Activity
If you have a desk job, returning to work is faster than if you perform manual labor. Working on a computer is usually not a problem a week after gynecomastia reduction, but lifting heavy objects is not recommended. Normal activities vary from person-to-person. Be certain to let your plastic surgeon know what type of work or activities you perform on a daily basis, so they can let you know when you can expect to return to normal. Be certain to ask specific questions of your plastic surgeon so you can properly prepare for you recovery.
Unforeseen Factors
Sometimes it takes longer than average to recover. By definition, about half or all patients will take longer than average to heal. Resist the self-defeating tendency to think you will heal faster than average. It will stop you from planning properly, and will make you feel like something is wrong, when it takes the expected amount of time to heal. If you give yourself a little extra time to heal, chances are you won’t need it. On the other hand, if you think you can return to all your normal activities sooner than your plastic surgeon tells you, you are likely to be disappointed, and you may end up hurting yourself or compromising your results. Surgery is a form of injury, and even carefully planned elective surgery requires the proper amount of recovery time.
Additional Treatments During Your Recovery Period
Follow-up visits are an important part of your treatment plan. Most surgeries are enhanced by proper follow-up care. When problems are recognized promptly, they tend not to progress and are easier to treat. Your plastic surgeon has years of training and experience which they use to recognize problems and prevent them from growing. Sometimes, additional treatment is required to keep your recovery on track. Ask your plastic surgeon about follow-up appointments early in the decision making process, so that you will know what to expect and can prepare accordingly.
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