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Gynecomastia and Skin Reduction - In this case the left picture shows enlarged breasts with disproportionate fat and glandular tissue, and sagging. The skin is folding onto itself at the base of the breasts. On the right is the after photo. The excess fat, gland and skin have been excised through an excision that runs along the base of the breast. As his tan shoes, this patient was happier both in and out of clothing after his breast reduction.

Gynecomastia and Skin Reduction – In this case the left picture shows enlarged breasts with disproportionate fat and glandular tissue, and sagging. The skin is folding onto itself at the base of the breasts. On the right is the after photo. The excess fat, gland and skin have been excised through an excision that runs along the base of the breast. As his tan shoes, this patient was happier both in and out of clothing after his breast reduction.

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