Male Breast Reduction is one of the most commonly performed male cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. Today, we review the case of a man treated for tubular breasts with Gynecomastia Reduction. The before and after photos below illustrate the results and techniques for male breast reduction.

Gynecomastia reduction before and after photos of male breast reduction for tubular breasts.
Tubular Breasts
Tubular Breast Deformity is treated more often for women than men. In both sexes, it presents as herniation of breast tissue into the nipple/areolar complex (NAC). On physical exam, the NAC appears as a separate mass on the end of the breast.

Tubular breast deformity is also known as puffy nipples or Snoopy nose deformity.
Tubular breast deformity is often called the “Snoopy-Nose Deformity” because the breast mound and NAC look like the cartoon character’s snout and nose. Another descriptive term for this problem is puffy nipples.
Preoperative View

Preoperatively, the puffy nipple sticks out like Snoopy’s nose, and is easily seen through clothing.
The before picture above shows the typical appearance of male tubular breasts. Just like in the typical gynecomastia case, the breast is over projecting beneath the nipple. Unlike pure gynecomastia; however, the tubular NAC appears to be a distinct structure on the chest wall. In the photo, there is a clear delineation of the breast tissue. This appearance is caused not only by the presence of the excess breast tissue, but also by the contraction of the skin around the breast tissue.
Postoperative View

Postoperatively, the puffy nipple has been surgical reduced, and the normal anatomy remains.
The after picture above shows what is now a normal masculine chest. During a short, outpatient surgical procedure, the fullness beneath the NACs was removed via small incisions that run around the lower edges of the areolae from 4 to 8 o’clock. Placing the incisions along this natural color change, makes them discreet.
Sometimes, disproportionate fat in addition to excessive glandular tissue causes male breast fullness. In such cases, Liposuction is frequently used as an adjunct during gynecomastia reduction surgery to contour the breast mound thereby creating a chiseled, masculine chest.
Gynecomastia Reduction Consultations
Like any elective surgery, be certain to consult with an experienced, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Approximations for treatment can be made with virtual consultation or by reviewing before pictures; however, there is no substitute for an in-person evaluation. In the San Francisco Bay Area call (925) 943-6353 to arrange a private consultation appointment.
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