Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants remains the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery. Three to four-hundred-thousand women have Breast Augmentation each year in the US alone. It is the safest and most effective means of enlarging the breasts available, but even FDA approved devices, like Breast Implants, need touch-ups from time-to-time.
Do I Need Breast Implant Revision Surgery?
The following Breast Implant Revision Surgery Video originally aired on the San Francisco Bay Area‘s news Station, KRON 4. It reviews Breast Augmentation Revision Options and describes some of the most common breast augmentation revisions. Multiple before and after pictures are included as examples.
Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery Video
Breast Implant Deflation
The introductory photo for the video above shows deflation of this patient’s left breast implant. For Saline Breast Implants, loss of the breast implant’s shell integrity results in complete deflation and loss of breast augmentation. Replacement of a deflated breast implant can be done with minimal downtime. It is also a good time to consider if your breast implants are the right size, profile or style (saline vs silicone), as there is no better time to replace both implants. In situations like the above, it is extremely helpful if you know what type and size of breast implants you have.
Breast Implant Revision – Bigger

The most common reason for Breast Augmentation Revisions is to go bigger. This is especially common after pregnancy with preexisting breast implants as shown above.
The above Breast Implant Revision Before and After Pictures show two common reasons for revision. The first, and the most common, is to go larger. The second, and often seen after pregnancy with preexisting breast implants, is to correct breast tissue sagging off the breast implants.
This patient has already had a Breast Augmentation Mastopexy, also known as a breast lift, using breast implants for additional volume. The larger the preexisting breast tissue volume, the more likely the breast is to sag. This is true with or without breast implants. She desired larger breasts and a perkier appearance. A larger Breast Implant provides both additional volume and support for her breasts.
Breast Implant Revision – Smaller

The above Breast Augmentation Revision pictures demonstrate the correction of bottoming out.
Sometimes, the breast implants are too large to be supported. The before picture, in the above Breast Augmentation Revision Before and After Pictures, demonstrates what happens when breast implants are too large, even with a breast lift. Over time, the Breast Implants have over-stretched the skin of the lower breast and moved down the chest. The previous breast lift (mastopexy) scar is red and irritated, and the nipple is riding high. This patient presented with a desire for correction of the shape of her breasts, and also wanted to be smaller.
The after photo shows the results after the mastopexy was revised and the breast implants were replaced with smaller, lower profile, Breast Implants. The mastopexy scar looks less irritated. The distance between the nipples and the bottom of the breast is reduced to normal. The new breast implants are smaller, but maintain the width of the breast to preserve cleavage.
Breast Implant Revision Surgery Consultations
With the popularity of Breast Implants it is not surprising that Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery has become its own specialty. If you have breast implants which are:
- too small
- too large
- too high
- too low
- too close together
- too far apart
- too hard
- deflated or leaking
- not supporting your breast tissue
then give my San Francisco Bay Area Plastic Surgery Clinic a call at (925) 943-6353. With 20 years of experience, I will give you up-to-date options that are personalized to your unique situation. Previous operative reports and your before and after pictures help, so bring them with you, too.
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