Breast Augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. Today we are discussing Breast Augmentation with Gummy-Bear Breast Implants with before and after pictures showing early results, long lasting results, breast implant revision surgery and Mondor’s bands.
Breast Augmentation Before and Afters – Early Results
This time of year, Breast Augmentation is very popular. Like all surgery, there is a recovery period and it often takes a few months to see the “final” results. By having Breast Augmentation during the winter months, you should be all healed and ready for the coming warm weather.

Breast Augmentation before and after pictures with gummy-bear breast implants. This patient has very little natural breast tissue with which to hide the gummy-bear breast implants. Meticulous placement of the implants is especially important in cases like hers. (Click the image to remove the censoring.)
The patient above has very little natural breast tissue and desired Breast Augmentation to improve her body proportions. A retro-pectoral (behind the muscle) technique was utilized to help disguise the implants and give her a “natural” tear-drop shaped result. The above Breast Augmentation Before and After Pictures show her early (three week) results.She is looking good already, and her results will improve as she “drops and fluffs.”
Breast Implant Before and Afters – Long Lasting Results
Below is an example of long-term Breast Augmentation results. This patient is a bodybuilder. Despite having breast tissue, it was all in the bottom of her breasts, as were her enlarged areolae.

Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Augmentation with a Breast Lift and Areola Reduction) before and after pictures. The after photo reveals increased volume, a higher nipple and reduced areolar diameter. (Click the image to remove the censoring.)
In the above case, a Breast Augmentation Lift (Mastopexy Augmentation) was performed. This is a combination of Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift. A Gummy-Bear Breast Implant was used to add breast volume, while the Mastopexy allowed for elevation and reduction of the nipple areola complex. The result is enlarged breasts with proportionate and well positioned nipples.
Gummy Bear Breast Implants Before and Afters – Revision Surgery
Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery is sometimes necessary in order to preserve desired results. Breast Implants do not stop the aging process, and sometimes, they need adjusting. In the next case, the breast implants were exchanged for a larger size. This is the most commonly requested Breast Implant Revision Surgery.

Breast Augmentation Revision before and after pictures with gummy-bear breast implants. On the operating table, the right breast’s position is significantly more lateral than the left. A capsulorrhaphy was performed to bring the right implant back toward the center of the chest for improved symmetry. (Click the image to remove the censoring.)
The above patient had Capsular Contracture, and as part of her treatment, Capsulectomies were performed. The left implant was stable; however, the right implant was heading toward her armpit. A Lateral Capsulorrhaphy was performed to tighten the pocket and better support the implant to prevent the device from migrating to the side when she lays down. The after photo shows the improvement in symmetry.
Mondor’s Bands After Breast Augmentation
Once in a while, a patient will notice lines radiating down her chest, below her breast implants, shortly after breast augmentation. The cause is debated. Some feel it is lymphatics, while others attribute it to veins. They are most visible when the arms are raised above the head and in patients who are thin and athletic. They look very dramatic, and can be quite firm. The multiple Mondor’s Bands seen in this patient are about the most dramatic I have seen in over 30 years of treating plastic surgery patients.

Mondor’s Bands after Breast Augmentation happen to some extent in every patient, but are most noticeable in thin, athletic patients. (Click the image to remove the censoring.)
As strange as these look, they are a normal part of the healing process. They resolve on their own in a few months, if not weeks. If they are tender, ibuprofen can ease the discomfort. Warm compresses can also speed their resolution. Massage can be annoying, and likely won’t speed up their resolution. If you notice this, mention it to your Plastic Surgeon, so that they can confirm that they are benign Modor’s Bands
Breast Augmentation Consultations
For your Breast Augmentation, consult with an experienced, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. If you have questions, feel free to use the contact form on this page, or call us at (925) 943-6353. In-office consultations are available under COVID-19 protocol. Schedule your appointment today.
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