Today’s Plastic Surgery Video Presentation features one of the most requested, and complicated combination procedures; however, combining Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift solves two problems with one operation.
Breast Augmentation Lift Video Presentation
Today’s Breast Implant with Breast Lift Video is from last week’s episode of Body Beautiful. This segment originally aired on the SF Bay Area’s New Station, KRON 4, on December 9th. Several Breast Augmentation Lifts are illustrated with before and after pictures. Examples of small and large Mastopexy Augmentations are shown, as well as the correction of severe asymmetry and pectus excavatum (an indented sternum).
Breast Lift Plus Breast Implants
The Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Breast Video Presentation below provides basic information on combining Breast Augmentation with a Breast Lift. There are many variations for each half of the procedure, so consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon is a prerequisite for planning your surgery. Details of both the starting anatomy and the desired endpoint, may require adjustments in the type of augmentation and lift that will best suit your needs.
Mastopexy Augmentation Video Presentation
Breast Augmentation Lift With Areola and Nipple Reduction

Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift and Areola Reduction – This patient’s breasts were enlarged and raised, creating larger, firmer breasts. Areola reduction was also performed. (Click picture for uncensored version.)
The Breast Augmentation Lift Before and After Photos above were used in today’s video blog. In this case, the goal was enlargement of the breast volume and rejuvenation of the overall shape of the breasts, including reducing the size of the areolae. Breast Implants add volume, and the Periareolar Breast Lift elevates the nipple and reduces the diameter of her areolae. Nipple projection was also reduced. The results are enlarged, rejuvenated breasts and a patient happy to have her youthful breasts back. This and other images used in today’s video can be found in the previous Breast Augmentation Lift Post.
Breast Augmentation Lift Consultations
Evaluation for Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift requires meticulous attention to detail. The two procedures can help or hinder each other, and striking the proper compromise is especially important. To schedule your private consultation appointment, call (925) 943-6353.
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