Last year, the Aesthetic Society released the first season of Beyond the Before & After. Episode 4 featured a patient of mine who lost over 100 pounds and dramatically changed his life. Season two is about to be released, so now is a great time to catch up on season one.
Colby’s Beyond the Before and After
Daddy Makeover After Weight Loss
The video focuses on Colby’s journey. This week, on the first anniversary of the release, the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog is showing more Daddy Makeover Before and After Pictures.
The before picture below shows the residual gynecomastia and skin laxity of the chest and abdomen the remain after weight loss. The right breast was larger than the left and the inframammary folds were at different levels.

Daddy Makeover – The front view before picture shows residual gynecomastia, loose breast skin and asymmetry, as well as, lower abdominal skin laxity after weight loss. The after picture shows a tight chest, raised nipples and a flat abdominal wall. Liposuction was added to further flatten the abdomen and remove the love handles seen above the hips.
A large amount of skin was removed from the chest and abdomen to tighten the chest and reveal the muscles Colby worked so hard to define. For example, on his left breast there is a nevus (mole) next to his nipple in the after picture. The same mole can be seen in the before picture half-way between the nipple and his tattoo. All the skin from just below the mole to the fold under the breast was removed.
Abdominoplasty was performed to remove the excess abdominal skin and Liposuction was added to further define the lower abdomen and to remove disproportionate fat from the hips and back (the love handles).
Daddy Makeover Gynecomastia Reduction
You may or may not have noticed that the skin removed from the chest included the nipples. In order to tighten the chest, all the loose skin was excised, and in this case, the skin removed included the nipples. To optimize the results, the nipples and areolae were reduced to aesthetically pleasing proportions and grafted back onto the chest in the ideal position to create my patient’s new, masculine chest. This patient had full return of nipple sensation a few weeks after surgery, though sometimes the grafts can remain numb.

Daddy Makeover – The front view before picture shows the residual gynecomastia present, even with the arms raised. The after picture shows the loss of the gynecomastia tissue and a flat abdominal wall. The scars are more visible in this view and take longer to fade than the abdominoplasty scar.
With the arms raised, you can see the amount of gynecomastia tissue that was present before Male Breast Reduction. Typically, when the skin is tight, Gynecomastia is removed through a small incision along the edge of the areolae. In this case; however, it was removed via the incisions used for skin reduction.
Daddy Makeover Oblique View
The oblique view is the best for demonstrating the incredible results of this chest reduction. The change in contour is best seen on the far more distant breast. The sagging of the nipple and the redundancy of the skin are more apparent from this angle. You can also see how much higher and closer to the tattoos the nipples are after surgery.

Daddy Makeover – The oblique view before picture shows the amount gynecomastia present, and a better view of the skin redundancy. The after picture shows the improved chest and abdominal contours
The Abdominoplasty scar has already healed so well that it’s difficult to see. The reduction in the abdominal skin laxity can be seen from this angle, but it is best seen in the next photo.
Daddy Makeover Side View
The side view after photo reveals the tightening and elevation of the chest, and also the tightened abdominal wall which showcases his well-defined abdominal muscles. Loose skin kept the rectus muscles hidden, but after the Tummy Tuck there are revealed.

Daddy Makeover – The side view before picture shows the gynecomastia, and the skin redundancy of the chest and abdomen. The after picture shows the improved chest contour, nipple placement and areolar size and a flat belly.
The Daddy Makeover tightens both the chest and the abdomen and is tailored to each patient’s needs, much like the Mommy Makeover does for women. In this case, the chest reduction was more extreme than average, while the abdominoplasty was less extreme. Overall, the result is an improvement in contour, and a new level of self-confidence for my patient.
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Consultations
If you are considering Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, be certain to locate a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with experience in the procedure you seek. Members of the Aesthetic Society, like Dr. Mele, are Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who specialize in cosmetic plastic surgery. The schedule a private consultation in our San Francisco Bay Area Plastic Surgery office call (925) 943-6353.
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