Joseph A. Mele, III, MD, FACS is featured on BizyMoms.
Board Certified San Francisco East Bay Area Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Joseph Mele, is this week’s featured Plastic Surgery Expert Doctor on the home page of BizyMoms.com. The lead article reviews the nature of minimally invasive surgery, and focuses on the minimally invasive nature of Breast Augmentation. Answers to other commonly asked Breast Augmentation question can be found on the Breast Augmentation San Francisco page, or on this blog on the Breast Augmentation page. Other articles I have contributed about Facelifts (Rhytidectomy), Tummy Tucks (Abdominoplasty), and Nasal Surgery (Rhinoplasty), can also be found by clicking the banner below, or using the Categories to the left.
Bizymoms is a site dedicated to the resources a busy mom might need. It provides pertinent articles, and a forum for discussion and networking. Since many of my patients are busy moms, I am happy to contribute content for the site regarding plastic surgery. I am proud to have been selected as a featured contributor, and look forward to helping more busy moms.