Year after year, Tummy Tucks remain a top-ten Plastic Surgery procedure. Also known as Abdominoplasty, the procedure tightens and sculpts the abdomen on multiple levels. Tummy Tucks reverse and repair the damage to the abdominal wall caused by the overstretching of the skin and muscle that comes with weight gain and pregnancy. Damage that despite proper diet and exercise, often does not improve to the point of satisfaction. The result of Abdominoplasty is a flatter abdomen, and a more pleasing figure, boosting both self esteem and confidence.
Tummy Tuck Video (Abdominoplasty)
The following Tummy Tuck Video includes several examples of Abdominoplasty, after both weight loss and pregnancy. This segment is taken from the San Francisco Bay Area’s News Station, KRON 4’s Body Beautiful. In this video, I review Tummy Tuck Before and After Pictures and narrate the indications, procedure and recovery from Tummy Tuck Surgery.
Tummy Tuck With Brazilian Buttocks Lift
The Tummy Tuck may be combined with other procedures to enhance the results and keep the body in balance. The most common combination is Tummy Tuck plus Liposuction of the sides and back to improve the waist line all the way around. This is helpful when there is a disproportionate amount of fat causing a muffin top.
Today, fat is often transferred to provide volume in areas of deficit or areas that have atrophied. The most common area that fat is grafted to is the aging face. Fat Transplantation can reduce wrinkles and revitalize saggy cheeks by optimizing facial volume. Less common, but the fastest growing area for fat grafting is the buttocks, no pun intended. Fat Grafting to the Buttocks is also known as the Brazilian Butt Lift. The Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos below also include the results of liposuction and fat grafting to optimize body proportions.

Tummy Tuck with Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After pictures show: flattening of the tummy, improvement in abdominal muscle tone and perkier, rounder and more defined buttocks.
In the above case, a Tummy Tuck was used to tighten the abdominal muscles, reduce skin laxity and remove disproportionate abdominal wall fat. Liposuction was used to further enhance the results by removing disproportionate fat from the abdomen, waist, lower back and thighs. Normally, the fat removed by Liposuction is discarded; however, additional improvement in my patient’s body proportions was obtained by repurposing the fat to enhance the buttocks. A Brazilian Buttocks Lift was performed to create more shapely buttocks. For her, rounder, firmer buttocks were created, and the indentations on the outer aspect of the buttocks were corrected. Combining procedures repaired the postpartum damage improved her appearance in form-fitting clothes. She is happier and more confident with her new shape.
Tummy Tuck As Part Of A Mommy Makeover
Tummy Tucks are an important part of the Mommy Makeover, enhancement of both the breasts and the belly, frequently after pregnancy. The most common combination of procedures for Mommy Makeovers is Breast Augmentation with a Tummy Tuck; however, other procedures can be substituted as needed or desired. In the following case, Abdominoplasty was performed with a Breast Lift (Mastopexy), rather than Breast Augmentation, because she was already happy with the size of her breasts, but not the shape.

Mommy Makeover Before And After Pictures – In this case, Abdominoplasty was combined with a Breast Lift to complete this Mommy Makeover. (To see the movement of the nipple in the uncensored photos, click this picture.)
The above Mommy Makeover Before and After Pictures reveal the results of combining Abdominoplasty with a Breast Lift. Prior to her Mastopexy, she was happy with the size of her breasts, and how they looked in a bra; however, the droopy appearance and downward pointing nipples were not acceptable. Breast Augmentation would have enlarged her breasts, but size was not the issue. Also Breast Augmentation alone would not correct the low nipple position, therefore a Breast Lift was the best option and the procedure of choice. An uncensored version of the before and after is available for viewing by clicking on the picture.
Abdominoplasty After Massive Weight Loss
After weight loss, especially massive weight loss, the abdominal wall is left lax and redundant. This is true at multiple levels of the abdominal wall including both the superficial skin and the deeper muscle and fascia layers. Abdominoplasty is uniquely appropriate for correcting both problems. A Tummy Tuck repairs the muscle by tightening the tough fascial case that encloses it, much like applying an internal corset. This flattens the abdominal wall’s foundation and supports the guts. Tummy Tucks also remove the excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen, thereby eliminating the redundant skin that impairs hygiene and blocks wearing clothing with a cinched waist.

Post Bariatric Plastic Surgery – Tummy Tuck Before and After Pictures. Abdominoplasty was used to flatten the belly by tightening the muscles, removing the fat and reducing the redundant skin.
Abdominoplasty is often used after Bariatric Surgery to “clean-up” excess skin and complete the journey to a better body. It is normal to wait one year after Bariatric Surgery before having Plastic Surgery. Earlier surgery increases the risk of wound healing problems. By waiting for the body to recover nutritionally, we can enhance wound healing and achieve superior results.
Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgeon
If you’ve recently had a baby or lost weight and are contemplating plastic surgery to flatten your belly, you are going to want a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for your procedure. Board Certified Plastic Surgeons are uniquely qualified due to their years of training and experience performing Cosmetic Plastic Surgery.
To find out more about Abdominoplasty, call me at (925) 943-6353. Each patient is unique in their needs and desires. In every case, both are considered when planning your specific procedure. Enter your questions in the contact form on this page, or for a faster response, give us a call and get answers now.
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