American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has released their National Plastic Surgery Statistics for 2018.
Two months ago, I posted about the release of the 2018 National Plastic Surgery Statistics by the American Society of Plastic Surgery. Today, I have the 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. According to the ASAPS, the Top 10 Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures are the same as last year’s; however, there was some shuffling of positions within the group. Breast Lifts, Tummy Tucks, Breast Reduction and Rhinoplasty (Cosmetic Nose Surgery) gained in rank, while Eyelid Surgery, Facelifts and Fat Grafting to the Face dropped. Below are the 10 most popular cosmetic surgery procedures.
Top 10 Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures
Here are your top ten Cosmetic Surgeries for 2018:
- Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammaplasty) – 329,914
- Liposuction (Liposculpture) – 289,261
- Breast lift (Mastopexy) – 158,964
- Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty ) – 157,492
- Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) – 115,508
- Breast Reduction (Women) – 84,599
- Facelift (Rhytidectomy) – 73,174
- Breast Implant Removal (+/- replacement) – 49,834
- Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty) – 41,213
- Fat Grafting to the Face – 39,461
Top 5 Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

Here are the Top 5 Surgical Cosmetic Procedures for 2018.
Top 5 Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

Here are the Top 5 Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures for 2018.
The Biggest Gainer and Losers
The top 10 procedures have been pretty consistent through the years, but four procedures stand out for the large percentage changes when compared to last year.
The biggest losers:
- Fat Grafting to the Face – down 28%
- Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery – down 20%
Both these operations are “work horses” for facial rejuvenation, and procedures I do every week. I expect they will be up in numbers again next year.
The biggest gainers:
- Thigh Lift ranks 19th – up 24%
- Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Reduction) ranks 13th up from 15th last year – up 22%
Both these procedures have been around a long time. Thigh Lifts are almost always associated with weight loss. As people have lost larger amounts of weight, the number of Thigh Lifts has increased. Gynecomastia Reduction is one of my specialties, and I do a lot of them. The popularity of Male Breast Reduction has increased year after year in my San Francisco Bay Area Plastic Surgery practice.
International Cosmetic Surgery Numbers

Dr. Mele is an active member of the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and has submitted data to the 2019 Global Plastic Surgery Survey.
The US accounts for the largest number of worldwide cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. Mostly because we have more people than most countries, but also because the United States has many well trained plastic surgeons who can provide you with safe and predictable results. On the other hand, several countries do more cosmetic surgery on a per capita basis. South Korea usually leads in this category, but we will have to see what the new numbers reveal.
Is Cosmetic Surgery Safe?
Is Cosmetic Surgery Safe? The short answer is yes. When the correct procedure is paired with the appropriate patient, cosmetic plastic surgery is both safe and effective. However, it is important to keep in mind that cosmetic plastic surgery is still surgery. If you are considering elective plastic surgery, you need to be properly evaluated by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon, and the procedure needs to be performed in the appropriate setting. And while the Internet can be helpful, the information necessary to make an informed decision should always be specific to your needs. There is no substitute for an in-person consultation. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and would like to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, call (925) 943-6353.
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